What’s the Color of a Mirror? White, Gray, or Silver?
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At first glance, the color of a mirror seems straightforward—it reflects whatever is in front of it, adopting the hues of its surroundings. But if you look closer at a mirror, you may see a silvery-greenish tint. Does this mean a mirror is actually silver, gray, or perhaps green? 

The answer might surprise you.

So, What Is the Color of a Mirror?

Mirrors are technically a very light shade of green. This is due to the manufacturing process. Most standard household mirrors are made from soda-lime glass, which inherently has a green tint. This is caused by the presence of iron oxide in the glass. 

On top of that, there’s usually a reflective aluminum or silver coating applied to the back of the glass for that signature mirror gleam. This combination of materials is why, despite its ability to reflect any color, a typical mirror has its own very faint green tint.

Why Silver Is Often Associated with Mirrors

It’s easy to understand why “silver” is the common assumption about mirror colors. Mirrors were traditionally made with polished silver as the reflective backing. This creates a bright, crisp reflection. Even if aluminum is the more frequently used material now, the association with “silver” as a color persists.

Other Factors Affecting Perceived Color

But take note that your environment impacts how you perceive a mirror’s color. Let’s consider a few scenarios:


The type of light in a room can significantly influence the shade of a mirror. Yellowish incandescent lighting will make the green tint less noticeable, whereas bright white light will enhance it.

Reflected Objects

A mirror’s primary purpose is to reflect its surroundings. If a brightly colored object sits in front of a mirror, that color will dominate how you perceive the mirror itself.

Is It Possible to Have Mirrors in Other Colors?

Absolutely! Manufacturers can introduce deliberate coloration with special glass and coatings. You can find color mirrors in shades like bronze, blue, grey, and more, which offer unique decorative effects. These tinted mirrors are gaining popularity in modern interior design due to their versatility.

Mirrotic: Your Partner for Quality Mirrors

At Mirrotic, we understand the subtleties of mirror manufacturing. Not only do we produce standard mirrors with the faintest green tint and superb reflectivity, but we also offer a variety of specialty-coated mirrors to achieve the exact colors and reflective effects you need.

Contact us today or visit our website to know more about our mirrors!
